Learn English at Disney

We welcome you to the University of Florida English Language Institute (ELI). The ELI is a place where academic English study is integrated with fun and educational activities every day of the week. Our Intensive English Program is intended for full-time F1 students and classes meet for 23 hours per week.


What activities does the University of Florida offer? 

UF's Cultural Immersion Program (CIP) provides afternoon and weekend activities. Typical afternoon activities include sports, conversations over coffee, and movies. Weekend trips include kayaking, canoeing, swimming in Florida’s beautiful springs, picnics, barbeques, paintball, Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and trips to Florida’s beautiful beaches! 

Another way for ELI students to get involved at UF is through Volunteer Day. Volunteering is very popular in the United States. A lot of people spend time helping other people. For example, they visit the elderly at nursing homes, take care of animals, or they may paint a school. At the ELI, we help you volunteer for five reasons: 

  1. To help other people
  2. To get experience in your professional field
  3. To learn about US culture
  4. To meet people from the United States
  5. To practice speaking English! 

Are you interested in learning more about the University of Florida ELI?

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