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如果您的夢想是到國外求學以及在美國的大學或學院學習英語的話,這正是您的理想之選!Study in the USA 是國際學生的首選教育指南。您可以免費在 StudyUSA.com 上直接聯絡美國的大學和英語語言學校並索取相關資訊,也可以查找美國和加拿大的寄宿學校資料。
你可以利用 Study in the USA 的搜尋工具,查找美國大學和學院的課程,包括:英語(ESL)課程、工程類課程、學士課程、碩士課程、兩年制/社區大學課程、理科課程、藝術和設計類課程、商科課程以及技術與電腦類課程等。
Your publication is important to us. It provides vital information for the advisers who come to our EducationUSA Advising Center and to thousands of students who visit educational fairs in Peru.
Fulbright CommissionLima, Peru -
My office does so much outreach that I absolutely have to take materials with me to the schools for distribution to the kids and their parents. Thank goodness that you still print and distribute the magazines to advising centers.
Director USEIC (formerly EducationUSA)Singapore -
StudyUSA.com has brought me a lot of ideas about USA. I have learnt about many opportunities being offered to international students.
MalakuThe Netherlands -
These are wonderful resources and very helpful for the students.
U.S. Educational AdvisorRiyadh, Saudi Arabia -
You are the first internet organization that has responded in such a completely informative way. Thank you I am totally impressed.
Wisdom Louw -
I am more confident and I believe StudyUSA.com is very useful for people who want to study in USA.
Kee (began study Fall 2012 at Old Dominion University)Thailand -
Our local students love the magazines, many have traveled abroad thanks to them.
IMAC Spanish Language ProgramsGuadalajara, Mexico -
I’m studying American English in Wroclaw, Poland but I want to start some studies in the USA in 2 years time. In my opinion, your website is very helpful. I have a wide range of variety of all offers I received and I can choose exactly what I want to study. Thank you.
PaulinaPhilological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw, Poland -
Usually people approach consultancy in home country who would assist them for admission and visa procedure—this site was a close substitute for it. I went to every section of the website which really helped me for improving my knowledge on U.S. education
SrikanthUniversity of Dayton Alumni