What Makes Puget Sound Stand Out From the Rest?

The University of Puget Sound has much to offer international students, but what’s important is that it’s the right choice for you. To help with your decision, we’ve asked one of our international students, Ale Vidal Meza from Lima, Perú, to describe her time here at Puget Sound.

  • When asked what a Puget Sound education has taught her, she explained that the course content, paired with her instructor’s genuine interest in the subject, taught her to think critically of the world and draw links to other topics in her programs of study. “It also motivated me to declare a minor in Global Development Studies!” Declaring a minor is a big deal, and we are so proud that a Puget Sound education enabled her to take that leap of passion!
  • We wanted to know how her experience here at Puget Sound was different from other educations she’s received. She replied, “Before Puget Sound, I was involved in community-based development and service organizations, but rarely brought these experiences into the classroom.” Feeling empowered to bring a sense of humanity and vulnerability into the classroom enables students to connect to each other through Puget Sound’s direct emphasis on internships and community-based learning.

Head out to the Puget Sound profile page to learn more about our school and the programs we offer!