Ways to Get Active and Stay Fit On Campus

Going to college will involve a lot of changes to your lifestyle. Finding the time to eat healthy, exercise and sleep isn’t as easy as it sounds when balancing your schedule, challenging course work and campus activities. When you study abroad in the United States, check out the different resources your university offers students to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle. Here are ways you can get active and stay fit on campus.


College is one of the most exciting places to try something new. Taking advantage of all the activities and resources your school has to offer can help you make friends, find a new hobby, brighten your mood and stay active. Many campuses offer gyms and rec centers where students can exercise and join classes, such as weight-lifting, kickboxing, Zumba and yoga. If you are interested in athletics, you can sign up for a recreational sports team. Schools will often offer several sports to their students, including basketball, soccer, volleyball, swimming, tennis, archery and more. If you prefer to exercise outside, consider joining a biking or hiking group, or if your school happens to be located near a lake or river, kayaking might be available to explore nature. You can also go for long walks or runs around campus to stay fit and familiarize yourself with the layout of your university.  

Practice Healthy Eating Habits

Dining halls offer students healthy meal options. Many universities list the calorie count of the food in dining halls, which can help students make healthier choices all year. Be mindful of portion size and try to include a fruit or vegetable with every meal. For example, putting mushrooms and spinach into your breakfast omelet is a delicious way to start your day with vitamins and minerals that will make you alert and keep you full and focused. Grab a banana or two as you leave the dining hall for healthy snacking between classes and be mindful of the kinds of snacks you’re keeping in your room. Swapping out cookies for carrots and hummus is an easy switch that can make a huge difference in your health.


Getting the right amount of sleep for your body is crucial for health in college. This involves more than just having a comfortable mattress. Doctors recommend sleeping between 7-9 hours per night to be fully functional and focused the next day. People who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be irritable and less likely to be alert. Consider setting a bedtime on weeknights to ensure you are ready to attend classes in the morning. Listening to your body and adjusting your schedule to prioritize sleep can make a big difference in your day.

Attending school in a new country can be stressful, which can make it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Be sure to reference this article and take advantage of your campus resources maintain your healthy habits all year long.

Yu Wu is a native of Nanjing, China, and works with universities and education organizations at CORT  Furniture Rental to help international students and scholars settle in faster when studying in the U.S.